We all know that you can save money by buying in bulk. And most short-term rental hosts do try to negotiate discounts when we purchase multiple mattresses, rugs or couches for our units. But what if you could leverage the purchasing power of, say, 50,000 STR hosts AND have someone else do the negotiating for you? What if you could get up to 75% off the furniture and amenities you need to set up and manage your Airbnb units?
Jeff Iloulian is the Cofounder and CEO of HostGPO, the first international group purchasing organization for the short-term rental industry. Jeff’s team helps professional vacation rental managers save time and money by offering access to exclusive deals on furniture, mattresses, linens and STR amenities. Jeff has nearly ten years of experience as a host himself, running as many as 150 units in Southern California.
On this episode of Get Paid for Your Pad, Jeff joins me to discuss the benefits of joining HostGPO, sharing the conditions for becoming a member and some of the brands HostGPO partners with. He walks us through the process of ordering through HostGPO and explains the minimum requirement for purchases. Listen in for Jeff’s advice for hosts moving into 2021 and learn how you can save up to 75% on furniture and amenities for your STR units!
Click on the video below to watch and listen to this podcast episode:
Topics Covered
Jeff’s advice for vacation rental managers moving into 2021
- Be strategic in choosing markets
- Focus on professionalism, unit integrity
How Jeff thinks about the trend toward secondary markets
- Temporary thing caused by COVID
- Drive-to destinations will be popular for 3-4 years
How hosts can save up to 75% through HostGPO
- Join pool of professional hosts (negotiate as group)
- Get discounts on furniture, mattresses, linens, etc.
The cost and conditions of joining HostGPO
- First year free (fee will depend on # of units)
- Must have at least 3 STR units
Some of the brands HostGPO partners with
- Williams-Sonoma, West Elm and Pottery Barn
- Helix Sleep, Brooklinen and Standard Textiles
- World Amenities and Public Goods
The requirements around minimum purchases
- No minimum amount for most vendors
- Some partnerships geared toward larger orders
How much hosts save through HostGPO
- Average member saves 50% on new unit setup
- Discounts range from 35% to 75%
The benefits of joining HostGPO
- Purchasing power of all 50K members
- No commitment to buy through group
- Products for high-end or value units
- Access to hospitality-optimized goods
- Still allows for individuality
- Discounts already negotiated for you
How it works to order products through HostGPO
- Some vendors offer coupon code
- Others require purchase order
How HostGPO’s conditions differ from buying full-price
- Same product warranties
- Return policies waived in some cases
What Jeff wishes he would have known from the start
- Don’t be too conservative
- Set up better quality unit for much higher return